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Research Projects of HSBA


Research Projects

Overview of ongoing and completed third-party projects

All research activities of HSBA professors can be found in the publication database. This page gives an overview of ongoing and completed third-party projects.

Ongoing Research Projects


Development and Testing of Data Trustee Models Using the Example of Distributed Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

The use and processing of personal data is crucial for the value chain, with data trustees acting as neutral intermediaries to help reduce potential asymmetries. TreuMed develops and tests data trustee models for medical research, enabling the use of extensive patient data despite strict data protection regulations, with a traffic light system determining privacy levels and safeguards. The model is tested in molecular epidemiology and biomarker research and is complemented by certification requirements and liability concepts.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Christoph Bauer

Duratiob: 2022 - 2025

Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

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Completed Research Projects


EU Taxonomy and Other ESG Regulatory Initiatives

This project generally encompasses regulatory initiatives such as the EU taxonomy and other European/German regulations (ESG), and evaluates their effects on the financing of the German economy in general, and the financing conditions of the German industrial sector and the German commercial real estate sector in particular. In the first project phase, a comprehensive and easily understandable overview of the most important current and planned regulatory initiatives in this area was created. In the second phase, an in-depth analysis of the effects of these regulations on the German industry, the German commercial real estate sector, and the German banking sector was conducted.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Stefan Prigge und HSBA-Studierende aus dem MSc Business Development

Duration: September2023 - Januar 2024


StePs Stewardship Professionals

Market Launch and Positioning of the New Certified Stewardship Professionals Accreditation Programme (CSP)

This project generally encompasses regulatory initiatives such as the EU taxonomy and other European/German regulations (ESG), and evaluates their effects on the financing of the German economy in general, and the financing conditions of the German industrial sector and the German commercial real estate sector in particular. In the first project phase, a comprehensive and easily understandable overview of the most important current and planned regulatory initiatives in this area was created. In the second phase, an in-depth analysis of the effects of these regulations on the German industry, the German commercial real estate sector, and the German banking sector was conducted.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Stefan Prigge and HSBA Students from MSc Business Development

Duration: October 2023 - January 2024

Funding: Stewardship Professionals e.V.


FutureProof Skills for the Maritime Transport Sector

The European shipping industry faces challenges from digitalization, automation, and ecological transformation, resulting in a high demand for well-trained maritime professionals. The four-year research project SkillSea developed strategies for future-proof training in the shipping industry, particularly in the areas of digitalization, ecological transformation, and soft skills, and promoted exchange and training on board. SkillSea was co-funded by the EU's Erasmus+ program and included a consortium of 27 organizations from 16 European countries.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Orestis Schinas, Prof. Dr. Max Johns

Duration: 2019 - 2022

Funding: European Union, Erasmus+ (Key Action 2 – Sector Skill Alliances)

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Strategy Development to Improve Fundingport's LinkedIn Presence

This project focused on the LinkedIn presence of Fundingport and its improvement. In the first part of the project, the previous performance of Fundingport's LinkedIn presence was measured and compared with the performance of competitors using suitable indicators. Building on this, a LinkedIn strategy for Fundingport was developed in the second part of the project.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Stefan Prigge

Duration: October 2022 - January 2023

Funding: Fundingport & HSBA

Sustainable Finance Study for Germany Finance

Performance of Germany as a sustainable finance location in a European comparison

The research project examined the federal structure of the German financial market by highlighting the strengths of various financial centers such as Frankfurt, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Stuttgart in terms of green and sustainable investments. HSBA was commissioned to compare the German financial market with European financial centers such as Amsterdam, London, Luxembourg, and Paris, focusing on the definition and measurability of sustainability, particularly in the context of green investments and the sustainable ecosystem. Despite the growing importance of sustainability in the financial sector, the transparency and availability of public data at that time were described as insufficient, making international comparison difficult.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Stefan Prigge, Prof. Dr. Peter Scholz and 6 Bachelor students from the HSBA Finance Club

Duration: July - December 2022

Funding: Germany Finance

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Fundingport x HSBA

Improving usability research for Fundingport's funding platforms

The research project between HSBA and Fundingport, a company of the Hypoport Group, examined the usability research approach of the financing platform. In the first part of the project, HSBA evaluated the existing usability research approach of Fundingport and developed possible alternatives. In the second part, HSBA conducted usability research themselves, using the favored variant of the new approach to further improve the platform's user-friendliness.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Stefan Prigge, students of the HSBA

Duration: April - August 2022

Cooperation partner: Fundingport through the managing director Maria Starke and the project manager Svea Keppeler

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Metroplan x HSBA

A cooperation based on partnership in the sense of knowledge transfer

This project generally encompasses regulatory initiatives such as the EU taxonomy and other European/German regulations (ESG), and evaluates their effects on the financing of the German economy in general, and the financing conditions of the German industrial sector and the German commercial real estate sector in particular. In the first project phase, a comprehensive and easily understandable overview of the most important current and planned regulatory initiatives in this area was created. In the second phase, an in-depth analysis of the effects of these regulations on the German industry, the German commercial real estate sector, and the German banking sector was conducted.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Dirk Max Johns, Students of HSBA

Duration: 25 February 2022 – August 2022

Cooperation partner: Managing Director of Metroplan, Dr. Manuel Schrapers

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Hypoport x HSBA

A cooperative partnership in the sense of knowledge transfer

The research project examined the introduction of a central Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) strategy at Hypoport, an MDAX-listed financial services group with over 20 subsidiaries and around 2400 employees, to balance cultural differences and autonomy among the companies. Previously, DE&I measures were implemented in a decentralized manner at the subsidiary level, leading to a lack of oversight and missed opportunities for knowledge exchange. A central DE&I strategy could have helped better respond to customer needs and labor market changes, increase employee satisfaction, and promote a unified corporate culture, which would have also enhanced attractiveness to investors.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Stefan Prigge, students of the HSBA

Duration: March – July 2022

Cooperation partner: Hypoport SE, Innovation Manager Julia Niepold

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Corporate financing of the maritime industry in Germany

With special consideration of asset-based financing options

The research project "Corporate Financing of the Maritime Industry in Germany" examined how the disparity between the real economy and the financial sector could be balanced, particularly through the approach of asset-based finance in crisis situations. The Maritime Finance Research Group (MFiRG) conducted this investigation to analyze national and international financing instruments that could ensure an economic perspective for the maritime industry. HSBA was prominently involved in this applied research project through the Maritime Business School and Prof. Johns.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Drik Max Johns, Jan Apel

Duration: 20 May 2021 – Start of 2022

Funding: Capital Market Research Foundation, Capital Market Law, Corporate Finance and Capital Markets for Germany as a Financial Location

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Stay Home – Stay Together

Networked learning in the digital student community

The research project "Stay Home – Stay Together" pursued three main goals to address the challenges of the abrupt switch to online teaching at HSBA since March 2020. First, the project aimed to ensure regular teaching and social interaction through the use of MS Office 365 and Teams, as well as through training and consulting. Second, the project aimed at further developing digital teaching methods to familiarize students with the benefits of digital learning methods. Third, this digitalization boost was to be anchored in teaching in the long term by encouraging instructors to try out new formats and share their experiences.

Involved persons at HSBA: Prof. Dr. Peter Scholz, Cindy Kubsch, Franziska Buttler

Duration: June 2020 – September 2020

Funding: Claussen-Simon-Stiftung ("Was zählt!"-Fonds für Lehre und Lernen)

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Questions?Susanne Müller-Using, HSBA
Susanne Müller-Using, HSBA

Susanne Müller-Using

Senior Manager Research
+49 40 822160-911

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