Online-Bewerbung HSBA

Apply now for a part-time Master's programme at HSBA


Application for a Master's Programme

Online Application for a part-time Master’s Programme at HSBA

You can easily apply online at any time for a place on a Master's programme at the HSBA ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø. Simply fill out the application form.

Registration form application master

Application Form

Fields marked with an * are required.

Study Programme*


Application Documents

Please upload your application documents as ONE PDF-File (max. 10 MB): motivational letter in English, CV, work experience letter, academic or professional reference, degree certificate, transcript of records, English language certificate (min. B2), if applicable: German language certificate(s)

Note: You are welcome to submit the letter of recommendation, your degree certificate and proof of language proficiency (if necessary) later if you do not yet have these documents.

Personal Information